Obsidian Healing Properties

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Do you experience pain from grief, trauma, depression or mental stress?

In life we’re told that mental pain shouldn’t bother us, since it’s “all in your head” anyway. There is little sympathy for someone suffering because of grief, bullying, insults, lies or emotional abuse.

But the reality is that mental pain can be just as debilitating as physical pain and depression often leaves people bedridden or completely unable to function in day to day life.

Obsidian can be your greatest weapon and shield against this darkness. Obsidian’s gift is the ability to form an impenetrable psychic shield that can defend you from emotional pain, grief and trauma.

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Clear Quartz Healing Properties

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Do you experience brain fog, a lack of clarity or lack of focus?

The modern world is full of technology with its own vibrational rhythm. Spending all day around phones, bluetooth, wifi and 4g can upset the natural bioelectric vibration of the human body.

Without intervention, people gradually lose their ability to focus on a task and never achieve the things they want to achieve in life. They chalk this up to a symptom of aging and never address the problem.

But natural crystals like Clear Quartz have the ability to harmonize the natural rhythm of the body in the same way they do for clocks and watches. Try placing Clear Quartz on the crown chakra (just above the head) and meditate. After repeated sessions, you’ll find your clarity of thinking enhanced, your memory improved and your perception sharpened.

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Healing Properties of Citrine

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Seeking good luck in business or your career? Want to bring joy and energy into your life?

Good luck charms have endured for centuries. It could be the case that just having these items serves as a reminder to remain open to any opportunities that could bring positive outcomes.

The bright yellow colouring of citrine makes it a perfect charm for good fortune. Many people like to decorate their workspace with citrine and find it provides a source of joy and positivity that helps them move forward with confidence. It also makes a perfect gift for someone starting a new job or business!

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Healing Properties of Carnelian

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Do you struggle with low energy or lack of drive? Do you lack confidence when speaking in public?

A fear of public speaking is a common problem, but often there are situations when it’s unavoidable. Whether it’s a job interview, performance, date or presentation, there are many situations where you might feel unconfident and need support.

Many people find the properties of Carnelian to be ideal for boosting courage in stressful situations. The fiery energy of Carnelian has long been used to help people gain confidence, speak fluidly and think quickly.

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Healing Properties of Amethyst

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Are you experiencing addiction or unhealthy attachment? Troubled by grief or bad memories?

People often have bad habits and vices that they would rather be free from, but find themselves falling into the same patterns.

Whether it is drug or drink problem, or an attachment to someone that is a negative force in your life, or even obsessing over the past and regrets, it can be impossible to move on with your life until you are freed from these patterns.

But addiction is really just an imbalance within the body that you only know how to solve by turning to your vices. Many people have found Amethyst has the ability to correct this imbalance with its unique bio-electric vibration. Once the balance is resolved, the addictive behaviour seems to evaporate on its own.

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